Polyline Pictures

We have been exploring Google Drawings over the last few weeks and this week Whaea Michelle showed us inspiring creations made by students at Edmund Hillary School who have been working with Matua Aina from the Kootuitui Cluster.

We then made our own. Here are a few of them.

We were thinking about how to choose colours that would stand out and reflect the time of day.

Using our Touchpads & New Shortcuts

We explored how to drag and drop with our touchpad today and learnt some new shortcuts.

The zooming in and out shortcut will be really helpful, as will the reset zoom shortcut.

  • Zoom in = ctrl +
  • Zoom out = ctrl –
  • Reset zoom = ctrl 0

We really enjoyed having a go the jigsaw activity – https://studio.code.org/s/course1/lessons/3/levels/1

Have a go and let us know how you found it.

Using Our Chromebooks

This week we had a go at a Jamboard activity where we labelled the different part of our Chromebook keyboard and learnt how to take full and partial screenshots.

A full screenshot is when you take a photo of all of your screen.

A partial screenshot is when you draw a box around the part on the screen that you want to show.

This will be really helpful for us as we use our Chromebook more and more to create.


Tidy Drive

Mr P did a great job getting our folders ready on Hāpara so we could file our documents in them so that Miss Hansen can easily find and see our work. Thanks, Mr P!

We have spent the last week working on naming and filing all our untitled documents and also filing everything into our Hāpara folders.

It was a bit tricky at times as the internet faded out on a few of us, some of us have only just learnt how to drag and drop using our touchpad, and some of us had a lot of untitled documents so we had to open each one to find out what it was about so we re-named it something sensible that would be easy to find in the future.

How do you name your files so you can find them easily and they indicate what they are about?

About us!

Ta lofa lava, namaste, hello, kia ora, bon jour, bula, ohiogamis, konichiwa, guten tag, ola, aloha, malo e leilei, 

We are Room 12 from Levin North School, in Levin on the west coast of the North Island, New Zealand.

A bit about what we do, like and learn about: lots of us like Maths, having choice over what we do and when so we complete our work and earn free time on Friday afternoon, Rāhina chill out time, Reading, Writing, research, and coding.

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